Tax Analysis

Choosing the tax regime is one of the most important steps to a company’s success. A bad choice made at this stage of the process can generate the need to pay an inadequate set of taxes, significantly compromising the financial health of the business, or even generating fiscal problems with federal agencies.

Tax Analysis customs broker

There are three types of taxation regimes that can be adopted by companies: National Simple, Presumed Profit and Real Profit. It is suggested that the choice be made and analyzed by qualified people who have experience and knowledge in the subject and can give you the proper instructions and know what the best option for your business through studies of several factors specific to home case such as analysis Business size, area of activity, market study, income planning, among others.

The business branch is one of the most in need of tax accounting due to the different levels of billing and existing tax regimes and to carry out all this work there is the R & R Comex which is the fundamental piece for your company.

We at R&R Comex have been in the market for more than 30 years, and we have experience with providing tax analysis services.

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